Logistics Index

CartonCloud Logistics Index Q1 2024 Mid Year Outlook

Drawing on data gathered directly from industry members, this report highlights industry sentiment for growth, hiring, and expansion to adapt to environmental changes influenced by changes in consumer behavior, the global pandemic, and other economic shifts.
CartonCloud Logistics Index Q1 2024 Mid Year Outlook
Logistics Index
Dive into the CartonCloud Logistics Index (CCLI) Mid-Year Report to explore how businesses like yours are preparing to overcome hurdles and maximize growth in 2025.
As logistics businesses across the globe look to opportunities for growth in the coming year, businesses are focused on how they can offer more to their customers, and expand their range of services to win new business.

In this report, we have seen two key tactics have emerged;

  • the first, is optimization of workflows and operations, and how automation and technology can enhance customer services and reduce overheads;
  • the second, is enhancing their current resources and team; through expanding their fleet and footprint where possible, and focusing on upskilling existing teams over new hires.

Explore the full report to see how logistcis businesses are planning ahead to enable demand forecasting, and increasde workforce capacity with technology automation.

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