Logistics Index

CartonCloud Logistics Index Report Q1 2023

The CartonCloud Logistics Index tracks industry sentiment, attitudes, and insights to provide actionable data for our industry.
CartonCloud Logistics Index Report Q1 2023
Logistics Index
In logistics, data-led decision-making is integral to building a strong business. At CartonCloud, we’re proud to be logistics people and be part of an industry that keeps our communities moving. The CartonCloud Logistics Index provides up-to-date insights and actionable data year-round, for members of the logistics industry to use in forecasting, reviews, and growth planning.
May 1, 2023

This report draws on data from over 1,800 industry members from across the globe to compare global insights and identify challenges and attitudes from peers and partners across the logistics industry.

  • Industry optimism for growth falls to early-pandemic levels for the first time in two years amidst economic recession concerns.
  • Digitization of the logistics industry is growing, with high intent to invest in new and emerging logistics technology and the average logistics company using 2-5 software systems within daily operations.
  • Workforce hiring concerns drop as companies seek to increase capacity through partnerships and outsourcing, as well as increasing fleet and warehouse space.
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