Release 0.382

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Product Release



We are excited to share with you the latest features and functions in our most recent release. 

Order Status Notification Web-hooks

This might sound a bit technical, however what this allows you to achieve is status change notifications of Sales Orders and Purchase Orders to be sent to your system’s API (will require your developers to use this standard CartonCloud format). This will provide more real time updates and provides the ability to create different notifications for each of your customers. For more details please contact support or view our API Documentation, more information can be found here

Easier product UOM conversions

Two new updates in this latest release. The first is even if you only have a single base unit of measure against a product the measurements table will be visible from the details tab when viewing a product. The second is a new button that will create a new product conversion for that product.

Product unit of measure

Service Disruption Notification

Although we have a very strong record of little to no downtime, when an issue arises, we have now added a notification at the top of the application screen to advise all users of a system wide issue. This provides details of the issue as well as being updated with a status as we investigate, identify and then resolve it. Once the issue has been resolved, the notification will be disappear. We have added this functionality to help communicate of known issues and to keep everyone updated.

disruption notification

Default Customer Charge

To help all customers, we have added a new feature that allows you to set your preferred Customer Charge Structure for when you create a new customer. This can be found under Organisational settings and then the Invoice tab. This feature means that if the majority of new customers you take on share the same rates, this default will save you time and effort by defaulting them to your preferred rate structure.

default customer charges

Mobile App Sales Order List Filter

Recently we have had a lot of requests to provide greater flexibility in what sales orders appear for picking in the mobile app. This new filter will allow users to set a filter to show sales order with a ship date of either, today (including up to), tomorrow or a custom date range. This filter can be turned on or off at any time and by default will be turned off. It can be found by clicking on the filter icon in the Sales Order list as shown below;

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 8 Plus - 2018-09-27 at 13.46.18_iphone8plussilver_portrait
Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 8 Plus - 2018-09-27 at 13.46.50_iphone8plussilver_portrait
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Oct 23, 2023
Sep 27, 2018
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Streamline your logistics operations today

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