Level up your 3PL with these 8 game-changing Warehouse Hacks

Posted by:
Kristina Mustenikov
Kristina Mustenikov

Matching physical storage locations with your cloud-based WMS reporting has never been easier! We've pulled together 8 top tips to simplify warehouse storage and reporting — with helpful video guides and actionable tips that you can start using today.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to;

  • Assign warehouse locations based on aisle letters, and racking bays/ levels (numbers).
  • Use printed barcode labels to easily identify each location, and use your mobile app to scan and view the area’s assigned stock, pick an order, put away stock, or scan-move to another location.

Check out this helpful guide, with 8 tips to use warehouse labels and locations to grow your business with ease!

Get your FREE Warehouse Hacks Guide today!

Already use CartonCloud and want to learn more helpful tips? Enrol in our free online learning portal CartonCloud Academy. Or, explore more feature guides and resources online at CartonCloud Help.

Kristina Mustenikov
Kristina Mustenikov
CartonCloud Marketing Coordinator Kristina shares insights and warehouse hacks to help you optimize your 3PL warehouse.
Marketing Coordinator

Streamline your logistics operations today

Streamline your logistics operations today
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
 min read

Streamline your logistics operations today

Streamline your logistics operations today