July 2024 — New Feature RoundUp

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Welcome to the July 2024 CartonCloud New Feature Round Up! This month saw the launch of our new login page and the release of Mobile App version 6, alongside improved security options, enhancements to our Mobile App Picking UI, as well as some administrative updates to Bulk Charge reporting, and new Delivery Run information. 

Explore CartonCloud’s New Features released in July ; 

  • 🔐Authentication & Security Improvements, MFA and SSO
  • 📱Mobile App version 6
  • 🤳App Picking UI improvements
  • 📈Export Bulk Charges report - Additional columns
  • 🚚 Delivery Runs - Additional info on view page
  • 📦 Wave Pick Improvements
    • Multi-Customer Wave Picks
    • Persisting Wave Picks after Completion

🚀 Plus, keep up to date with major new features coming soon! 

  • Enterprise Security
  • Photos & Documents on Purchase Orders
  • Removing support for old Mobile App Versions
  • Wave Pick Improvements & Pick to Tote
  • TMS Quote API

🔐New Login Screen authentication, MFA and SSO

We’ve delivered further enhancements to your log-in security this month, with the release of our new log-in screens enabling the use of Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) and Single Sign On (SSO).

What’s changed? Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) increases log-in security for your account users, to enhance your account security and protection. All CartonCloud users can now set up and use MFA through both the web and mobile apps (v6.0.0+) to protect their own accounts. Learn more about our new log-in security here.

Enterprise SSO is available to all CartonCloud accounts (add-on, or included in some plans). SSO can be set up using an existing account such as Google Workspaces or Microsoft.

📱Mobile App Updates

It’s been a huge month for Mobile updates, culminating in the release of mobile app version 6.0.0 for both Android and iOS! 

“New Version Available” on Mobile App

We want to ensure you have access to our latest functionality on the CartonCloud Mobile App, so we’ve made it easier for you to identify when new versions and updates are available. 

When a new version is available in either the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android), the “hamburger” menu will show a small red dot notifying you that an update is now available. To update, simply open the menu and tap on the “New version available” button. This will launch the App Store/ Google Play for you to update.
Don’t want to update manually? You can also enable automatic updates for iOS and Android.

🔐 Mobile Authentication Enhancements

Our latest Mobile Apps support all of the login authentication improvements mentioned above (MFA, SSO) and allows users to enrol in MFA directly from within the mobile app!

To make it faster and easier to login to CartonCloud, we’ve improved our mobile app support for password managers with direct support for your password manager of choice. We support 3rd party password managers (eg. Bitwarden Lastpass etc), and also those included on the devices such as “Passwords” on iOS and “Google Password Manager” and Android.

Note: Support will end for versions older than 6.0.0 on October 31st, 2024. To improve application security going forward, on October 31st 2024 older versions of the app will no longer be able to login to CartonCloud until they are updated to 6.0.0 or later. If you’re unsure how to check what version you’re currently running, you can find out here.

🤳Picking Improvements

Over the last quarter, we’ve introduced numerous major improvements to our Mobile App Picking 2.0 workflow (now called “Picking”). This month, we’ve improved the UI to make those coming from “Picking (Legacy)” feel more at home, giving you greater speed, powerful functionality, and ease of use. 

This months improvements include:

  • Responsive sizing to better support devices with smaller screens.
  • More colour added (matching colours used in Legacy)
  • Better layout for the orders list, reducing the height of the order cards to make it display more information on smaller devices.

Other improvements made to Picking over the last quarter include:

📈Export Bulk Charges report - Additional columns

We have made even more improvements to our Bulk Export Charges report,  giving you even greater control and insight into your data.

New Columns for Deeper Insights

We've added two new columns to the Export Bulk Charges report to provide more granular information, including:

  • Warehouse Name: Quickly identify the warehouse where a charge originated, allowing for more detailed analysis based on location.
  • Activity Date: When filtering by activity date, you can now see the date of the activity that generated the charge. This includes:

    • Sale Order: Date & Time the date the order was packed.
    • Consignments: Date & Time the date the consignment was delivered.
    • Purchase Order: Date & Time the date the purchase order was allocated.
    • Run Sheet: Date the delivery date for the run sheet.
    • Manifests: Date & Time the date the manifest was added.
    • Storage Period: Date range for the charge

With these enhancements, you can now delve deeper into your data, uncover valuable trends, and make more informed business decisions. More information available on Bulk Export Charges help page.

🚚 Delivery Runs - Additional info on Consignment view page

We’ve enhanced how information is displayed on Delivery Runs when viewing the Consignment View page. These updates are designed to make your delivery planning process smoother and more efficient by highlighting service type and enhanced reference information.

New Service Type Column

To give you a clearer picture of each consignment, we've added a new "Service Type" column. This provides detailed information about the specific service required, empowering you to make informed decisions during your planning process.

Enhanced Ref Column

We've upgraded the "Ref" column to display not only the ID of the Run Sheet, but also its name. This extra context makes it easier to identify and manage your Delivery Runs, saving you valuable time.

These improvements are part of our ongoing commitment to providing you with the tools you need to optimise your workflow. With more valuable information at your fingertips, you can focus on delivering exceptional service to your customers. See more information on the Delivery Run Details page in our Knowledge Base.

📦 Wave Pick Improvements

As we work toward introducing a new Pick to Tote workflow (see the Coming Soon section below), we’ll be releasing a flurry of improvements to Wave Picks. The first two of these are available now, enabling wave pick for multiple customers! 

Multi-Customer Wave Picks

To make it faster and easier to process Sale Orders, we’ve made it possible to create Wave Picks which span multiple customers’ Sale Orders.

When creating a Wave Pick, you can now select “Multiple Customers” from the customer-selection drop down, and see orders across all customers, which can then be grouped together into a single wave. Find out more on our Knowledge Base article for Multi-Customer Wave Picks here. 

Persisting Wave Picks after Completion

To provide better visibility over historical operations, wave picks are no longer deleted after they have been completed. From the Wave Pick list screen, there are now two tabs, “In Progress” and “Completed”. Completed waves can be opened for viewing. Find out more on our Wave Pick Knowledge Base article on CartonCloud Help. 

🚀 Explore New Features Coming Soon!

🔐 Enterprise Security

Enterprise Security (add-on / available in some plans) provides even more account security by allowing account admins to setup MFA requirements within their account. This includes the ability to enforce Single-Sign On (SSO) or Mandatory MFA for specific user roles, meaning (for example) organisations can require MFA for all administrators, packers and drivers but leave it optional for customers.

Photos & Documents on Purchase Orders

Coming soon, our Photos and Documents on Purchase Orders feature will allow users on the mobile app and web app to add photos and  comments as Purchase Orders are received and verified.

This enables warehouse workers to provide photo evidence of received goods, highlighting issues such as damages, and selectively share these with customers.

Removing support for old Mobile App Versions

Important: As older app versions older than 6.0.0 do not contain support for MFA or SSO, support for them will end after October-31st, 2024. 

After Oct 31st, 2024 mobile app versions lower than 6.0.0 will no longer operate and will need to be updated. To ensure you are not impacted by this change, please enable automatic updates for iOS and Android and ensure all of your team updates their apps in use. If you’re unsure how to check what version you’re currently running, you can find out here.

Wave Pick Improvements & Pick to Tote

We’ll soon be introducing a new type of Wave Pick called “Pick to Tote” (explained below). As we work toward making this available, we’re introducing a number of improvements to Wave Picks. These improvements will be available for use with existing wave pick types (Bulk Pick, Split Pick & Pack and Combined Pick & Pack) as well as the new Pick to Tote wave pick type. 

🙋🏾If you would like to join our beta group for any of these projects please let us know!

Wave Pick Improvements

To make it faster and easier to process Sale Orders, we’ve released the first two of our Wave Pick Improvements, “Multi-Customer Wave Picks” and “Persisting Wave Picks after Completion”, and we have the following additional enhancements coming shortly:

  • Additional Filters when creating Wave Picks (eg: Specific product SKUs, Product Groups, Delivery Runs, SKU Count, Quantity, etc..)
  • Wave Pick Templates (similar to Replenishments, create templates of commonly searched filters)
  • Mobile-based Wave Pick Generation
  • Automated Wave Pick Generation

Pick to Tote

Pick to Tote is a new type of wave pick which is currently in development. It is a highly efficient way to pick a large number of small orders in which pickers move about the warehouse pushing a trolley which is covered with totes (boxes). This allows pickers to pick multiple orders at the same time, and separate them into individual totes at the time of picking. They can then be brought back to a packing station where each tote (order) can be packed into one or more shippers.

TMS Quotes API

Need to provide quotes to external parties and platforms?

We are excited to announce that CartonCloud users will soon have the ability to use the CartonCloud API to determine freight costs in advance of creating a consignment. This allows external parties to query for freight rates before creating a consignment. For ease of use, the API structure will be similar to our existing Consignments API.

Did you miss one of our Product Updates? See: June, May, April, March, February, and January New Feature RoundUp blogs.

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