Collective Logistics - Case Study
Jimmy Williamson: We work for small, medium, and larger multinational apparel companies all over the world.
Jamie Mollica: Just both had a feeling that there was an opportunity out there and had this idea to really specialise in clothing apparel and build on the logistics.
Jimmy Williamson: Collective Logistics all came about as a purpose driven business, a client friendly, modern take on third party logistics.
Jamie Mollica: We wanted our clients to have a customer portal that they could have complete transparency into how the product is being handled and see in real time our ability to dispatch that product.
Jimmy Williamson: So our clients are using a wide range of eCom platforms and making sure that the warehouse management system that we chose could integrate with each of those platforms seamlessly. Had a look at everything was out there, different WMS's that were available. Something that stuck with us was how user friendly and easy it was for us to engage with CartonCloud, really making that just streamlined.
Jamie Mollica: We had Scotty who was helping us with onboarding. He was able to give us insight into doing things in a better way than we initially thought. The first month we were continually up skilling in how we could deliver a better service and that was lead by the onboarding team.
Jimmy Williamson: CartonCloud have the app, the pic portal, which allows us to roam through the warehouse with an Android device in our hands.
Jamie Mollica: Put it in the hands of someone who's never worked in a warehouse before and be up and running within about five minutes.
Jimmy Williamson: Big decision as to why we use CartonCloud was definitely that pricing structure. Wasn't too much of a concern for us knowing that our volumes do fluctuate, we'd only be paying for what we use.
Jamie Mollica: We're extremely proud of how far we've come in the first five months.
Jimmy Williamson: Definitely hit the ground running. First day we rolled up the roller door, we did 1000 orders. Second day, 1000 orders. Efficiency was key for us and the system could keep up, we could do what we required, in the perfect storm.
Jamie Mollica: Really exciting for us. There's no limits to the orders we can do. We know that we can handle large volume. CartonCloud's been really key to that success.
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