4 Things to Expect from Logistics Routing Software

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There are numerous companies in Australia such as CartonCloud offering logistics routing software. Whilst hard to find online, once found, we realize that not all are living up to user expectations.

Route map

Logistics routing software expectations

Your logistics operation is likely seeking to maximize its delivery efficiency from a piece of trucking software. From reduced waiting times to greater deliveries per run, the right software can make that happen.

In this guide we’ll be highlighting 4 basic expectations you should have when considering a piece of routing software.

Route optimization

It often enhances planning your delivery runs with route optimization software. You can run a regular pre-defined route, or set up a new daily route on the fly. Fleet schedulers or drivers themselves can assign a new route to avoid traffic delays, align with dock booking slots and better coordinate for afternoon pickups.

The best way to accomplish this is with zones and/or post codes. Very similar to traditional maps on the office wall chart, but with technology so changes can be made quickly and with minimal interruption.

Delivery progress tracking

All logistics routing software providers in Australia should track the delivery progress. This is not just for in-house evaluations and driver performance, but your customers should at the very last see if their order is onboard with an estimated delivery window.

Customers will often praise this feature. No longer will they need to pick up the phone to check on their order status, as an online portal can be setup to let their team see progress, paired with automated invoicing.

Automated driver updates

Drivers are sometimes in situations beyond their control, such as extensive traffic delays or in a long lineup at a delivery point. For this reason, any software you choose should provide a function for drivers to nominate their delay reason and the time fo that delay. Further more, fleet schedulers can send messages and assign additional pickups on the fly without needing to pick up the phone.

Again, this avoids phone calls allowing fleet schedulers to get on with their tasks without interruption. Alerts can be setup so they can see at the first signal when a truck is delayed with a reason assigned by the driver.

Historical data reports

After a few months, you’ll want to know if your tracking and routing software for your fleet is delivering bang for buck. Through analysing data reports, you can see room for improvement in your scheduling and dispatch operations. Not only that, you should be able to compare driver performance, regions, delay frequency and freight volumes.

This feature is only going to maximize your operational efficiency and was previously very difficult to accomplish with paper based systems. You can evaluate such data visually in days, weeks, months or even years.

Getting started the right way

CartonCloud can perform all these functions and more with our trucking software. We’re not just for logistics but for warehousing operations too, providing a comprehensive solution for Australian operations.

Not only that, but we’re cost effective and can improve your operational efficiency starting today. Get in touch for a free demo where our friendly and value-driven team can show you further benefits.

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Streamline your logistics operations today

Streamline your logistics operations today
Oct 23, 2023
Dec 30, 2019
 min read

Streamline your logistics operations today

Streamline your logistics operations today